Posted on 8/1/2019

Can you believe it’s August already? Where did the time go? Now that we’re here, it’s time to start preparing for the back-to-school season. Got backpacks, pencils, pens, and paper? Check! Got your laptops and tablets ready? Check! Is your family vehicle fully serviced and all set for the first day of school? Maybe? How about the vehicle your teenager drives? Is it ready to transport your student safely to school and back? Maybe? We know Summer is the time when most of us go out and play. As we approach the final days of Summer (last minute road trip, anyone?) it’s time to make sure your family vehicle is equally ready for back-to-school. Here are five ways to get your vehicles ready for the school year: Check your brakes. Without properly working brakes, your chances of a traffic accident rise exponentially. Just to be sure, bring your vehicle into Placentia Super Service for brake inspection and service. Install Bluetooth ... read more