Posted on 10/1/2019

Trunk-or-treats is a new spin on trick-or-treating. Trunk-or-treating is similar to trick-or-treating, except it involves your trunk instead of your house. There are usually numerous events in your local community, where people decorate their car and go to a specific area to partake in some Halloween fun! Trunk-or-treats are a safer alternative to trick-or-treating, as it minimizes you and your child’s time on the streets, avoiding vehicles on the road. Here are some fun costume ideas to dress up your car for Halloween: Which car costume is your favorite? If you dress up your trunk this Halloween, please take a picture so we can see what you came up with. The team at Placentia Super Service just wants to remind you that Halloween can be a bit spooky on the streets and not for all the fun and festive reasons, as the chance of accidents increase significantly on this night. We encourage you to bring your vehicle to our shop, so our team can perform an inspection. You n ... read more