Posted on 9/1/2023

Photo By Darpan on UnsplashHow Did Your A/C Perform This Summer, Placentia? Cooling System Flush: Why Your Car Needs One At Placentia Super Service, we're all about embracing the beachy lifestyle and exploring Placentia. This can’t be done without a healthy vehicle, though! And one crucial maintenance task that we prioritize but often gets overlooked is a cooling system flush. In this article, we will explain why your car needs a cooling system flush and how it contributes to the longevity and efficiency of your vehicle while keeping that laid-back beach feel alive. Refreshing Your Ride: Removing Contaminants and Deposits Just like the ocean collects debris on its shore, over time, the cooling system in your car accumulates debris, rust, sediment, and other contaminants that can hinder its functionality. These deposits can block the radiator, heater c ... read more