Photo by Sean DuBois on Unsplash
Oh boy, here we go again. We're already back to another summer-- the deadliest season of them all for cars! Sunburned cars, overheating engine, battery liquid evaporating, you name it, it’s all because of that unforgiving summer sun! Even the increased traffic on the weekends and resulting accidents can be blamed on summertime! As summer officially kicks off, we’re looking into ways to take care of your vehicle during the summer heat!
But protecting your car is possible. So let’s walk you through some basic steps you can take to ensure your vehicle stays in top gear (no pun intended), even on the hottest of days!
- Take extra care of the interior
- You have to be very careful with your dashboard! Besides literally burning all over after a short amount of sun exposure, the interior also reflects the UV rays from the sun into the whole car, which can go so far as to cause a heat stroke!
- The best thing to do to protect your dashboard is to get sun shades or possibly tinting your windows. Be careful with tinting, though. If you are living in the USA, each state has a certain degree of tinting allowed.
- Regularly check the battery
- The summer can be extremely cruel to your batteries. The extreme weather evaporates crucial battery liquids, and you don’t want that to happen while you are on a road trip. Just attend your auto repair shop frequently, and you’ll be fine.
- Careful with the engine
- The most annoying thing that could happen to any driver is your engine overheating in the middle of the road.
- To prevent this from happening, make sure to top up your coolant regularly.
Reminder: NEVER open the radiator cap when the car is still running. Wait for at least an hour; otherwise, you’ll risk terrible burns.
By keeping an eye on a couple of components and getting proper protection, you’ll have your car ready for any trip you throw at her! In case you want to go a bit further to see that your automobile has success this summer, we at Placentia Super Service would love to help with suggestions and a hefty dose of preventative maintenance! Please schedule an appointment online. Placentia Super Service is conveniently located at 643 S. Melrose Street, Placentia, CA 92870.