We are living in unprecedented times right now, and for many of us, we are looking for east and simple ways to save money that will pay off in the long-run. Reducing your vehicle’s carbon footprint is not only conducive to the environment but also helpful if you are adhering to a budget as it increases your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Reducing your vehicle’s carbon footprint, along with saving a few dollars, begins with your wheel alignment.
Wheels that aren’t aligned will drag, instead of rolling freely. Misaligned wheels can actually reduce fuel efficiency by as much as 10%, which equals to approximately 31 cents per gallon. Tires also wear out much faster. In turn, this can cause uneven tire wear and then lower gas mileage. When your vehicle’s wheels are not aligned, they are not working cohesively. Instead, they are working against each other. Your engine has to work extra hard to get your vehicle to move, which means more gas overall is used. After a wheel alignment, everything is working together and in harmony. Your vehicle doesn’t have to work as hard, which means better gas and mileage, a reduction of your carbon footprint, and of course, better performance!
When you need a wheel alignment in Placentia, CA, turn to the team at Placentia Super Service. We are here to help, as we are constantly striving to provide new services to our customers. We have recently installed a Hunter Hawkeye Elite aligner with an L451L-18k alignment rack, which allows us to align any vehicle up to a 211” wheelbase, and up to 9’10’ wide. Our Hunter-Certified alignment technicians are ready and willing to make sure your vehicles are properly aligned.
During these challenging times, we don’t want you to worry about your vehicle’s condition, from wheels to headlights. The team at Placentia Super Service is here to ensure your car continues to perform safely and smoothly, so you can focus on keeping your family safe and healthy. We are here to help! Schedule an appointment online. Placentia Super Service is conveniently located at 643 S. Melrose Street, Placentia, CA 92870.