We are lucky to live in such a beautiful area, as Southern CA doesn’t have severe seasons. Even though we aren’t dealing with tons of snow, we deal with bouts of rain and drops in temperature. The slight change in temperature and weather does affect our vehicle, and the team at Placentia Super Service wants you to have a safe and happy winter season.
We can’t believe how quickly the holidays are approaching. Before we know it, Christmas will be here, and we will be celebrating New Year’s. We recommend bringing your vehicle to our shop before the holidays are here, so our team can winterize your car. Our team will give these components of your car, among others, a little extra TLC during the winter:
- During summer, oil from unburned fuel in your exhaust gases collect on roadway surfaces throughout Southern California. Oil does float on water, so that any rain can turn this oil into a dangerously slick surface. Your tires need to be correctly inflated to deal with this texture, and during the colder months, your tire’s air pressure drops as the temperature drops. It is important to have a qualified technician to examine your tire pressure.
- Don’t forget about the small things, specifically your windshield wipers and lights. We tend to emphasize our brakes or transmission, but windshield wipers and lights are your first line of defense against the elements. Imagine you are driving in a dark, rainy night without any lights or windshield wipers. You might find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation! The team at Placentia Super Service wants to prevent situations like these from occurring!
- Even though the temperatures aren’t dropping too drastically, we still might find ourselves turning on the heater and defroster in the mornings on the way to work. It is essential to check our heater and defroster before winter completely hits!
- Your brakes are synonyms with safety. Slippery roads cause your brakes to work that much harder, which is why our technicians will perform a thorough inspection to ensure your brakes will perform in tip-top shape.
- Last but not least, your battery! During winter, you are using your electrical systems that much more, specifically your headlights, heaters, and wipers. This excess usage puts greater demands on your battery, which is why it will need to be inspected and replaced if needed.
The team at Placentia Super Service wants you to get the most out of your winter season, which is why we encourage you to bring your vehicle to our shop for an inspection. Schedule an appointment online. Placentia Super Service is conveniently located at 643 S. Melrose Street, Placentia, CA 92870.